July 16, 2021

Know when your debt prescribes

What is prescription? As a general rule, prescription occurs when a debtor’s liability to pay a specific debt is extinguished as a result of the passing […]
March 8, 2021

When does prescription of a debt start?

Debt does not last forever, after a period of time it prescribes and becomes invalid. Prescribed debt can be explained as old debt that has not […]
March 8, 2021

Credit Bureaus: Can I be blacklisted?

There is no such thing as a black list. It simply means that there are negative data on your credit report that is hosted at a […]
December 9, 2020

Understanding the debt review process

In these difficult economic circumstances, you may find yourself in a position where you are unable to pay your debt. The National Credit Act makes provision […]
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